Percentile on West Bengal Higher Secondary mark sheet from 2013.

Percentile process start on West Bengal Higher Secondary. Form this year percentile will mention on Higher Secondary mark sheet. Students can check their posting by this percentage.

This year Higher Secondary (12th) result will be published with in 7th June, the first week of June, 2013.

On this year a big change come on the H.S mark sheet. From this year Percentile will mention on the mark sheet. By Percentile, you can know what is your position on the basis of percentage among all the candidates. It will helps you for your ranking on various entrance exams. Like, WBJEE, JEE, NEET and many more.

Also, total marks in best of five subjects will mention, Grade on every subject also mention on the mark sheet. After publishing the Higher Secondary result, students can apply for review their answer sheet. Review result published within 26th June.

Best of Luck for your Higher Secondary result.

West Bengal entrance-exam info
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11 thoughts on “Percentile on West Bengal Higher Secondary mark sheet from 2013.”

  1. Hi sumi, the percentile score calculated by this method – ( total no of candidate behind you/ total no of candidate appeared in the exam)* 100.
    ex. If total no of candidate is 1000 and your rank is 10 then 990 student behind you. Then your percentile is (990/1000)*100 , 99. And percentage can be calculate by( your marks/total marks)*100.

  2. West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Board started review process form 4th June, 2013 at 11:55 p.m. This online application process will continue on 8th June. But you can apply fro review after the last date through your school.

  3. Hello Chanda, review process for West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination 2013 has been started. Students can apply for review their marks through online. Visit the official website of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education; ( and apply for your review. You can also apply for review through your school. For this contact your institution.

  4. Percentile is the new process on Higher Secondary Examination 2013. Candidates can know their position on percentage by percentile.
    At first know the total number of candidates and calculate your (percentile/100).
    For example, if your percentile is 95.96% and total number of candidates are 700000. Than your position is, [700000 x (95.96/100)] =671.


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