Special Tricks How to become a Topper in Your Exam Easily

Are you want to be the topper in your exam? Let start your preparation with this special tips about how to get topper or do best on your class or your exam. Know the process and tricks of study for your exam time. Read carefully your subjects and follow the study technique for doing top on examination.

how to topper in class tips


Every student wants to be topper on their exam or on their class. In the era of cat race, everyone wants to do best. Doing top in your class or exam is not too much difficulty. One can easily do better result on his examination with a little effort. Here I describe some special and some common tips and tricks by which you can easily be a topper on the exam. So follow this article.

Before starting this article I just want to say you a story of my school friend.

On my Higher Secondary level, I have a friend, who played with us, gossip with us and everything. He also read so little time like us. He doesn’t spend too much time on his studies. But he carefully follows every class on the school and he becomes the topper in our school. As he follows every class on the school, so he must have read the books one or two times before exam and he could get the top.

This type students are God gifted, which have a very high memory capacity. And there a very little amount of students are in this category. The most and maximum of the students have read the books, practice it, solve problems etc. I want to help those students who are in the second category. Just follow the step by step process to become a topper in your class.

Tips & Tricks of Study for become a Topper

1. Read Carefully & get Rewards : At first chose a chapter for study. Read the syllabus, so that you can aware which topics are in that chapter. Then read that chapter or topic carefully and with full concentration. After reading one hours or two hours reward yourself by watching TV, mobile games, listen to a song or any other else for 15 minutes. After that continue your study.

2. Recitate your Study : After reading a passage try to remember all the important topics without your textbook. If there is any double about any topic, open the book and read it again and then remember again. This will increase your memory power.

3. Practice Questions : Now, select all the questions which may come from that topic and practice all that questions. Write the questions and answer on your notebook. Write twice or thrice time on the notebook. More you write, more you remember. Spend 5 to 6 hours per day for practice.

4 . Ask your Teacher for any Problem : If you have any questions or query ask to your teacher. You may use various reference books or internet for many updated and deep information. More you read, more you know. And your knowledge bank will be increased.

5. Note Down the Important topics : Write down all the important notes on your exercise book. This will helps you at the time of examination. You can easily read these important topics very quickly.

6. Follow Routine : Try to study routine wise. Make a study routine and follow it to study. It will really help you to complete every subject and you can easily give pressure to all the topics.

7. Pay attention to classroom : Always pay full concentration in your class. And ask every question which rides in your mind about that topic. By this method, you can easily prepare any topic. Attend class every day. And do your homework. Make a clear concept of every topic.

9. Analytics your mistakes : The main cause of getting a lower percentage on an exam is silly mistakes. To avoid this type mistakes you have to practice hard. After every test analyzes your mistakes and tries to recover them on next time. Write more and more and this will helps you to avoid silly mistakes.

10. Group Study : After reading any topics you can re-analyze this chapter with your friends. Group study with them. It’s will help to prepare the chapter more easily.

11. Think like a Topper : Create a mentality in you that you are the topper. Toppers have not left any chapter from the syllabus, they complete 100% syllabus. Practice previous year questions papers for understanding the questions pattern. Toppers make a goal and divided it into many small parts. They try to complete every party within a certain time limit. And at the end, they reached the success level.

12. Motivate Yourself : Read motivational quotes, lines and listen to an inspirational speech, motivate yourself to your study. I can refer you the motivational book like, ‘You can Win’ by Shiv Khera. You can read any other books also to motivate yourself and become a topper.

If you follow all these tips, I think you will defiantly do better on your exam. Just believe yourself that you can do anything. You are the best and you have the hidden power by which you can gain the best achievement. If you have any query or questions please feel free to ask us. We will try to help you at our best.

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I am an educational blogger with a couple of websites. By profession, I am a school teacher and loves to create & shares study-related content on the internet. I always try to serve you the best and correct information.

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