State Medical Facility of West Bengal (SMFWB) published the official notification for SMFWBEE 2021 Online Exam for admission on Paramedical courses in various Government Colleges. The Online Application Process of SMFWBEE 2021 will start from 26th August and continue upto 10th September 2021.

This year SMFWB organised the latest process to conduct their SMFWBEE 2021 Admission Test. Students will sit for this exam Online directly from their Homes.
HS Passed Science students, who applied for SMFWBEE 2021 Exam can sit this exam online with the help of their Android Smartphone / Laptop / Desktop device. West Bengal Paramedical Admission Test, SMFWBEE candidates instructions and information about TFH (Test from Home).
Read More, Apply Online for SMFWBEE 2021 Entrance Examination
Know all the details information about the Test from Home (TFH) process, how a student can give their exam, what device will require, how to submit answer etc. All the details in one place.
How the SMFWBEE 2021 TFH will Conduct
State Medical Facility West Bengal (SMFWB) will set up a special Online Exam Portal for SMFWBEE 2021 TFH Exam. On exam day, students have to log in to this website before the exam. MCQ Questions will be available on the screen, students have to select the correct answer and Save it.
The exam will conduct from 1 pm to 2 pm on 3rd October 2021. Students will invigilate by online invigilator using their device web came / front camera.
SMFWB will send the Online Examination Portal link to the students 2nd October 2021.
Required Device for TEH Online Exam
The West Bengal Paramedical Entrance Test 2021 will conduct online using the TFH method. To sit on this exam the candidate must require any one of the following devices –
- Smartphone with Front Camera (any recent Android Phone).
- Laptop with webcam.
- Desktop with webcam.
Internet connectivity of at least 1Mbps or above will require to sit for the SMFWBEE 2021 exam directly from your home.
Must install Google Chrome browser on your device and all the camera permission on it.
Webcam / Front Camera is mandatory because during the exam students will be invigilated using this webcam/front camera.
SMFWBEE 2021 Online Mock Test
SMFWB will send a Mock Test Link to the students through email/SMS on 27th September 2021. Students must have to attend this Online Mock Test to understand the exam process and to check their device capability.
So, must attend the Online Mock Test for SMFWBEE 2021 exam and clear all the doubts about the TFH (Test from Home) exam method.
Practice, SMFWBEE 2021 Online Mock Test Now with Important Questions
SMFWBEE 2021 Online Exam Process
The online exam will be held on 3rd October 2021 at 1 pm to 2 pm. The Original Link for the Examination will be sent to the students on 2nd October 2021.
The Username and Password for this exam are already mentioned on the Admit Card.
- Candidates are advised to take their seats at least 15 minutes before the test.
- Click on the Exam Link and login with your Username and Password.
- Hold any photo identity card in original (such as Aadhaar / PAN / Passport / 10th Admit / School Id card etc) for 30 seconds before the web camera / mobile front camera at the start of the exam.
- Questions will come on the screen exact 1 pm on the exam day.
- At a time only one question with its four options will visible on the screen. Select the correct option and click on the NEXT button.
- You can skip questions if you don’t have the answer. You can answer it later.
- The exam will automatically stop at 2 pm and all the responses (your entries) will be saved.
- Log out from the Exam Portal. Your exam is done successfully.

Know about, SMFWBEE Exam Syllabus & Download Previous Years Question Paper
Some Important Instructions & Information
Here are some important instructions and guidelines about SMFWBEE 2021 Entrance Examination. Students must have to strictly follow these instructions at the time of the Online Examination.
- Only the candidate can sit on the exam for which the SMFWBEE 2021 Admit Card alloted.
- Be sure the device hardware and software are working fine at the time of Online Mock Test.
- Webcam / Mobile Front Camera is mandatory to sit for this exam.
- Candidates are not allowed to leave their room, talking to someone else, hide or switch off the camera, taking screenshots, sending or receiving messages, minimize browser tab at the time of Online Examination.
- Multiple logins with a User ID will not be allowed.
- Keep a backup device / battery if possible for an emergency.
- No extra time will be allotted to any Students for their device/network issue.
These are the important information about West Bengal SMFWBEE 2021 Computer Based Test from Home. Must visit the official website of State Medical Faculty of West Bengal, or for more details.
অনলাইন পরীক্ষা সংক্রান্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য
এখানে বেশ কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য SMFWBEE 2021 পরীক্ষা সংক্রান্ত উল্লেখ করা হলো বাংলাতে।
- অনলাইন পরীক্ষাতে বসার জন্য পরীক্ষার্থীর কাছে অবশ্যই ল্যাপটপ অথবা কম্পিউটার অথবা এন্ড্রোইড স্মার্টফোন থাকতেই হবে.
- অনলাইন পরীক্ষা চলাকালীন ল্যাপটপ অথবা কম্পিউটার অথবা এন্ড্রোইড স্মার্টফোন-এর front camera/webcamera অবশ্যই চালু রাখতে হবে।
- কেবলমাত্র পরীক্ষার্থী (যার নাম এডমিট কার্ড) অনলাইন পরীক্ষা দিতে পারবে। অন্য কেও পরীক্ষা দিলে, সেটা বাতিল হয়ে যাবে।
- পরীক্ষা চলাকালীন পরীক্ষার্থী কারো সাথে কথা বলতে পারবে না, ফোন কল অথবা sms করতে পারবে না এবং অন্য কোনো App বা ওয়েবসাইট ওপেন করতে পারবে না। তাহলেই পরীক্ষা বাতিল হয়ে যাবে।
- একই User ID ও Password দিয়ে একাধিক ডিভাইস থেকে লগইন করা যাবে না।
- কেন রকম যান্ত্রিক গলযোগ যেমন – ইন্টারনেট বন্ধ হয়ে যাওয়া, লোডশেডিং হয়ে যাওয়া অথবা ডিভাইস-এ কোনো সমস্যা হলে, তার জন্য পরীক্ষার্থী কোনো বাড়তি সময় পাবে না।
- পরীক্ষা ঠিক দুপুর ১ টার সময় শুরু হবে এবং অটোমেটিক ২ টার সময় শেষ হয়ে যাবে।
Students can contact the State Medical Facility of West Bengal regarding online exam-related queries by phone helpline, 9674524077 or send an email at mentioning your queries.
Feel free to post your doubt about this new pattern of SMFWBEE 2021 TFH exam on the below comment box. We also definitely try to help you at our best.
how can I download TFH CBT intimation card?
Please reply
Sir, for 27th Sept,2021’s smfwb mock test we would get mock test link before getting admit card or after?
Hello Fariha, SMFWBEE 2021 offline mock test will be available from 27th September 2021.
Sir it’s 27th today but still not am getting online mock test’s link…What should I do Sir? Where from would I get the link? Please do help me out Sir!
Sir, what’s the last date for the correction in application form
Hello Zeenat, currently there is no notice available regarding the correction of the SMFWBEE Application form. If you want to update your application form, then contact to the helpdesk phone numbers (9674524077, 7603020660) or email (
Has the exam link already sent to us?
Will the mock test held every day from 9 to 15 th October or once between 9 to 15 october?
Mock test / Practice test can be given any time and as many times during 9th October to 15th October.
What is the timing for mock test ? Is it Just like the main examination as 1pm -2pm ? When will the mock examination link available to me ?
When the online mock test start ?
Plz tell me the time of the mock test on 9/10/20 ??
Hello Sayantani, you can practice official SMFWBEE Online mock test any time.
I can’t understand the identity card holding process ,can you please tell me …about the identity showing process?
Hello Nabamita, just hold any of your photo ID card (Aadhar/pan/voter etc) infornt of the camera before starting the online exam.
sir what is the timing of the mock test?
What is the language of question? Bengali or English or both?
Hello Supriya, SMFWBEE questions will be in both the English and Bengali Language.