SMFWBEE Online Counselling 2021 Choice filling, Registration and Admission Process. Government paramedical colleges in Kolkata. D.pharm online counselling in West Bengal. SMFWBEE 2021 Rank Card Download. Available seats on Paramedical Admission in WB. State medical faculty paramedical courses. SMFWBEE Online Counselling process and cut off marks. Know about the SMFWBEE 2021 Counselling Registration, Seat Allotment, Mop-up Round Counselling process.

State Medical Faculty of West Bengal (SMFWB) organized an Entrance Exam SMFWBEE 2021 for admission on the various Paramedical course. Students can take admission in various Government and Private Medical Colleges, Hospitals and Institutions through this SMFWBEE 2021 Exam. The result of the SMFWBEE 2021 Exam will be available on 9th October 2021.
Students, who seat for West Bengal Paramedical Entrance Exam (SMFWBEE) 2021, get a Rank Card on the basis of their Entrance Examination score. By the help of this SMFWBEE 2021 Rank Card, they can seat for Online Counselling.
The SMFWBEE 2021 Online Counselling Registration will start from 29th October 2021 and continue up to 3rd November 2021. Complete guidelines and information about SMFWBEE online counselling describe on this post. Know about the available seats on every institution, Counselling date, choice filling, choice locking. Get information about SMFWBEE 2021 1st Round, 2nd Round, 3rd Round and 4th Round Counselling details.
SMFWBEE Online Counselling 2021 Process
The complete SMFWBEE Counselling 2021 process will be Online for admission on Paramedical courses in West Bengal.
Step-1: At first visit, this website, and Register yourself for Participating Online SMFWBEE 2021 Counselling Process. You can Register from 29th October at 10 am and continue up to 3rd November 2021 at 8 pm for First Round Counselling.
Step-2: Now you have to pay the Online Registration cum Counselling fees Rs. 100 for Online Registration and Online Counselling. You can pay the fees through Net banking/Credit or Debit Card.
Step-3: After paying the SMFWBEE 2021 Online Counselling Fees, you have to do the Online Choice Filling according to your presence Courses and Institutions. You can fill as much as the number of choices you want. Before online choice filling must view the available seats and courses on each institution (given below).
Step-4: After Online Choice Filling carefully, save your preferences. It will be automatically locked after the date. Once you lock your choices you cannot edit or re-order it.
Step-5: SMFWBEE Online Counselling 2021, First Round Seat Allotment Result will be published on 5th November 2021 on the website. Candidates can view their allotted seats by login to the website. Seat allotment will be on the basis of SMFWBEE 2021 Rank and Choice Filling.
Step-6:If you got your preferred Institute and Course on the First Round Counselling, then immediately pay the course fees Rs. 15,000 through Internet Banking/Credit or Debit Card/Payment Wallet. By paying the course fees online, you Seal your allotment for Admission. Now, you are not eligible for further Rounds Counselling.
If you did not get your expected Course and Institution, then do nothing on this First Round Counselling. Your allotted seat will be cancelled and you will be shifted to the Second Round Counselling.
Step-7: If you pay the Course Fees Rs. 15,000 after Counselling, now you have to complete the process of Reporting & Documents verification Online from SMFWBEE 2021 Online Counselling portal.
At the time of documents verification, must keep the following documents –
- Seat allotment print out
- Online Application Form
- Counselling and Course fees receipt
- SMFWBEE Admit Card and other documents.
- All the Academic (HS & Madhyamik) Original Documents.
The Online Reporting dates and Documents Verification will be publish later.
Step-8: After completing all these steps, you will be ready to take admission to the Paramedical Institute on your allotted Course. Visit your allotted Institute/College on 1st December 2021 to confirm your admission and other verifications.
Step-9: Candidates who didn’t get any allotted choice on the First Round Counselling or Skip their Choice can eligible for Second Round Counselling. Existing /Newly Registered candidates who were not allotted any seats in the first round of seat allotment.
Step-10: Classes for Paramedical Courses under SMFWB will start from 1st December 2021.
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Require Documents for SMFWBEE Counselling
At the time of documents verification at the Reporting Centre, candidates must have to bring the following documents with them with two sets of Photocopies.
- Madhyamik Examination Admit Card/Certificate
- Higher Secondary Exam Certificate and Marksheet
- Caste Certificate, Character Certificate
- EWS Certificate (if any)
- Medical Certificate
- Authorisation Certificate (if the candidates failed to appear in the verification)
- Two Passport Size Photographs
- Rank Card
- Physical Handicapped Certificate.
Read More, List of Post-Matric Scholarships for West Bengal College Students
Apply Online for SMFWBEE 2021 Online Counselling & Registration – Click Here
Important Dates & Schedule for SMFWBEE 2021 Counselling
A detailed date chart for SMFWBEE Online Counselling 2021, Reporting and Admission, published by State Medical Faculty of West Bengal (SMFWB). The official chart is given below.

Seats of Paramedical Courses on various Govt & Private Institutes
State Medical Faculty of West Bengal (SMFWB) published a complete list of available Government Medical Colleges and Institutions for Paramedical course admission 2021 through the SMFWBEE 2021 Exam. The number of available seats and courses is also present on this list. Follow this official list before online choice filling.
Counselling Helpline
If you faced any problems on SMFWBEE Online Counselling 2021 Process, you can easily contact to the SMFWBEE Helpdesk phone numbers 9674524077. You can also email to the authority through this email id, for further help.
We hope this article will help you with your SMFWBEE 2021 Online Counselling and Admission Process. Wish you all the very best for your Counselling price. If you have any query post it in the below comment box, we will try to help you at our best.
Sir ami counciling kore college peyechilam but payment na korar karon a amr seat ta cancel hoy geyache.Sir ami ki payment korar kono sujog pabo?
3rd round a ki jete pabo?
Hello Samsher, contact once with SMFWBEE Helpdesk regarding this online counselling issues.
Sir amar cml rank 7481 ami ki kono private college ki pabo plz ans sir
Sir amar rank_6430 sir Ami ki Kono. Gov college pabo please reply sir please sir reply
Sir, amr CML rank 8237 & CAT rank 1204 ami ki kono college chance pabo mane ami councelling er jonno wait korbo
Hallo Sir , Amer CML RANK 1455 Ami ki Kno govt college , private college e pabo
Sir Amar CML rank 805 Ami ki kono gov college pabo dmlt te
Hello Abdur, you have a good rank. You may get chances on the Government college for admission.
Sir govt job er khetre private r govt college er students k aki value dei plz reply sir
Yes, they have the same priority.
Sir amar CML rank 924 genaral a. ami ki kono gov collage pabo. plz reaply me sir kindly.
You have a good Rank. You may get chance on the Government college for admission.
Sir, amr general rank 7438 and sc rank is 1059,in smfwbee 2020 exam, so ami govt na private college a chance pata pabo ?
govt college peye jabe tumi
Hello sir , my combined rank is 2901 .. I’m general cast…can I get a chance in govt college?
Hello sir,ami CML rank 3215 and CAT rank 838 , sir kono chance ache private college pauar ? Please reply me sir, i don’t have anyone who can guide me, please.
You may get a chance on the Private college.
Sir amar cml rank 4339 ar cat rank 586 obc b..amai ki kono govt or private jekono clg pbo?plzz sir amay aktu rply din..keu nei j amay guide korbe..
Sir Ami IRMI, kolkata Te 2nd phase counciling A chance paye6i!
So, Sir please bolun er document Verification ki R. G. KAR Na State Medical faculti office A hobe???
Sir Amar Genaral rank -5088.
To Sir ami 4th counciling teo Chance paini??
Tai Sir bol6i smfwb er Open counciling /offline counciling kobe hobe please bolun Na Sir?
Sir ami 2018 e H.S diye6i tarpr 1 yr CU r under e akta clg e bsc portam akhn peramedical peye chere debo clg tai sir amk ki kono transfer certificate ba migration korte hbe??? Karn amr CU r under e registration kora a6e
Hello Eshita, na kono migration certificate or others docuemnts er proyojon nei.
Sir my combined rank is 2560 and obc a rank is 730. Can I get a chance governemnt college in Kolkata?
Hello Sarif, you have a good rank on SMFWBEE. You may get chance on the Government college for admission.
Hello sir my general rank is 3350 and cat rank 873..can I get government college.
Wait for the counselling process.
Sir private collage and sorkari collage same cost?
Na, same noi.
Character certificate ta municipal chairman kach theke korale hbe???
Hello Jishu, character certificate tomar last passed school/college theke paowa jabe.
Sir , medical certificate ki kono doctor r ka6 thekhe nile hobe?
Registered Physician er kach theke nite hobe.
Sir 2nd counsling a koto gulo seta faka ache ektu bolben plzz…
Hello ,,sir …my sc rank is 439 . Can l get a govt or private college?? Plz sir reply me.
Sir amar 2018 te DRT course alotment hoei 6i lo sir ami ki say course ta 2019 a pabo.
Sir my rank is 3837 (general ). Have I any opportunity for get a privet college???Which is the best course in this rank ? Which number councilling Igot chance? I am eagerly waiting for your answer . Please help me..
Sir my general rank 5194….SC rank 707…. can I get any college? Plz sir reply debe…
Sir ami 1st counshiling result a NBMC peye6i, ar money payment kore die6i, tar pore allotment letter a niche 1no a likha a6e 4 tarike akta allotment letter download korte hbe seta bujhte par6ina, ki korbo?
Hello Robiuly, if you download the allotment letter, now you have to visit to RG Kar Medical College for Documents Verification. It will start from 24th August.
Sir amar general rank 5194…..SC rank 707 can I get any college?plz sir reply me….
I chance in 2018 DRT course
can i chance in 2019 this course plzzzzz…. reply me sir.
Sir,i my rank is 1724.will i get chance in any government college in any course?
Sir ,Ami Aparajita..Ami 2019 e smfwbee te rank korechi3292(general).sir choice filling e government Na private clg dile chance Pete ki course dile chance age Hobe…
Plzz reply deben sir????
Sir amr combined rank 2696,OBC-A 366..sir ami ki kono private college a chance pete pari? Sir pls ektu janaben .
Sir, my combined rank is 2444 and sc category rank is 326.
Have i any chance to get admission in any course?
Sir, I have get 865 rank in sc quota so can I get any government or private college…???
1. Amr General rank 924 ami ki government college a DMLT te pate pari??
2. Sir ami 2019 th Bsc pass korlam Tahole ki ami clg ar characters certificate niye jabo?? Amr to character certificate Bsc te vorti hoyar somaii niye niyeche
New character certificate school/college theke issue koriye now.
Sir.. Amr sc rank 1359 jeneral rank 9169 ..ami kono college ki pete pari?
Amar obc rank146 ar general rank 762 .tahola kono government college pawa jaba??
sir in 2019 SMFWBEE my SC rank is 641.can I get either govt or private Cllg in DMLT course. Sir Pls tell me.
Sir Ami log in Id r password dia log in krle kono rakh card pa66i na what does it mean??? Plz reply
Sir admit card to exam center joma niye niyechhe tahole admission er somay ki duplicate ta lagbe??
Online theke r ek copy download kore now.
Sir.. Medical certificate ar ki kono proforma diyeche..
Ekhno deyni.
Hello sir
Ami Jodi jai clg a apply korlam sei clg na Pai tahole ki korbo …
Plz reply me
Choose more than one college at the time of Counselling registration.
Sir, sc rank kator moddhe hole ami dmlt te gov college e change pete pari. Please reply me sir.
Respected Sir,
Ami from ta te HS er certificate upload kore6i but mark sheet upload Kora hoi ni ki6u problem Hobe na to??
Please sir kindly reply me????????.
Thanking you,
But application form e HS er marksheet upload korte bola hoyeche. Tumi ekbar helpline e contact koro, 033-23330354, 9836621849, 9123764782.
Sir NRS medical college a MLT course a vrti hote chyle probably kto rank krte hbe kindly jodi bolen…….
Hello Rita, there are total 24 seats available on NRS Medical Collge for DMLT course. So, if you rank within 200, probably you may get a chance.
MLT bole course ta kobe theke add holo
Sir 7 October a ja counseling ta hobe seta ki rank card hesabe hobe na ja age asbe tar age hobe
Hello Saiyab, the counselling will be held on the basis on present candidates at that time according to their rank.
sir Amar rank SC Te 7October er second phase counciling ee seat pe jaoar chances ache.
Hello Guddi, we are very sorry, but we cannot predict the admission chances. It depends upon the number of candidates attend to this 2nd Stage Counseling and Number of Vacant seats.
Sir on 1st september what are we supposed to do??do we have to verify our documents again in in alloted colleges?and if there is any mone money to be depositted for the govt.colleges??
Hello Debasmita, yes college may re-verify your documents again and probably no more admission fees will required agin as you submitted it at the time of counseling.
Sir, is it necessary to contact the allotted Institute or college before 1st September?
Hello Piyali, no need to contact to the Institution before 1st September.
Hello sir Ami DDCT te Chance payechi documents verification er date 27-28 tarikh er modde.sir Ami Jodi 28 tarikh e verification korte jai thaloe seat ta amar cancelled Hobe na to, Amar documents verification Hobe to sir. please Sir ektu reply diben….
Hello Kalyan, don’t worry your seat will not cancel. So visit on 28th August within 5 pm with your all documents.
Sir third phase er results kokhn out hobe
Sir 1st September clg a ki ki documents nia jete hbe?kokhn jete hbe?
Hello Riya, bring all the documents, which required on DV Centre. Must carry photocopies of the documents and also the original copies also. Your Admission Confirm Certificate, issued by DV Centre. Visit anytime within the Working hour.
Sir, 1st September college a giye amdr ki ki korte hobe? R oi din college a giye kono taka lagbe ki???
Hello Sarajit, the college will verify your documents and other admission related credentials.
Sir, private institution a jdi sit faka thake thle ki institution jogajog korte hbe nki state medical faculty abar council korbe
Hello Subha, there are very few seats left on the Hospitals. So the SMFWBEE not organize further counseling for these seats.
Sir ami tithi, that means ai bochor kono mop up round hobe na???
Please kindly aktu reply deben..
Hello Tithi, there now, there is no information about the Mop-up counseling. If any information available we will inform you.
Hello sir,
My brother CMR rank is 7055 o ki kono valo private college pete pare paramedical e pl sir bolun?
Sir General der baci sit gulo ki hoba R counseling hoba naa jodi counseling na hoy tahola sit gulo ki bhaba vorti hoba
Sir private hospital a addmission er jnno ki smfwb te j private college list ache okhane contact kora jabe?plz rply sir
Sir,1 September a kotar time a amader jata hoba institute a ? please bolben sir
Hello Depanjan, visit to the Documents verification centre after 10 am and before 4 pm.
sir DOTT course er jonno ki ki boi lagbe ?????
Sir smfwbee ta R ki cono counselling hoba
Hello Sudip, SMFWBEE will organise one more counseling only for the ST category students. The last date of choice filling is 21st August. Very few seats left after the 4th round counseling. So, SMFWBEE may not arrange any further counselling for General Category students.
Sir amr 4th round e o hoi ni . Amr rank 5327. Er por kono hope thake? Er por kono seat Faka ache naki ki kore janbo r mopup counselling tai ba ki. .Sir amr chance paoa ta khubeeeeee darkar. .. plzzzzzzz sir reply deben plzzz
Hello Puja, there will be any vacant seat for admission, then the SMFWBEE authority will publish notice for Mop up counseling.
In this counseling process, students can apply for Counseling process and may got seat according their rank.
I think get you college but I rank with 4714 and not get any college after 4th round
upto 150 seat available
Sir, medical certificate and character certificate ar xerox lagba dv din please bolun ?
Hello Deepanjan, original Medical Certificate and Character will require at the time of Documents Verification.
a66a sir document verification a j medical certificate lagbe…..tar jonno kono proforma lagbe ki????naki doctor prescription a medical certificate likhe dilei hobe????
Hello Arpan, no pro forma will required for the medical certificate. Just visit to any registered doctor or hospital and asked them for the medical certificate. After doing all the tests, they will issue an medical certificate.
Thank you sir ….
Sir 4th counseling a Amar asani Ami ki mop-up a Peta pari Amar SC rank 1488
Sir plz reply korben……
r sir amar HS result a oii general college theke stamp diye diye6ilo….otar jonno kono problem hobe ki????
Hello Arpan, there will no any problem for that stamp. So, don’t worry about the counseling.
Sir i got a chance to read DIPLOMA IN NEURO ELECTRO PHYSIOLOGY in apollo hospital after 4 th councilling.sir pls tell me what is the job opportunities and future of the course.pls sir.
Hello Spandan, after completing the course you may join to any Private Hospital anytime OR you can wait for the Government job notification.
Hlw sir mopup ki hobe , please ektu bolun
Sir my sc rank is 750..ami ki gov clg e chance pabo??r ami non gov e besi clg select kori ni..tahole ami oi non gov clg e chance na pele onno gov clg jegulo select korini segulo te ki chance pabo???
sir ami paramedical a chance pabar age ami pure pass a ekta college a addmission niye6ilam….kintu akhn amar paramedical a chance hoye ge6e….and 18 tarikh documents verification a6e…..amak ki oi ager college theke transfer certificate tulte hobe????plzzz sir bolun
Hello Arpan, no need to do anything on your General College. Beacause, currently you are not registered on the University. So don’t worry.
Sir amar SC rank 615. Sir ami ki kono private college e 4th round e chance pate pari. Please sir reply diben..
Sir, Amy bolchiilam ja Paramedical course a Govt. College a chance Pete gela maximum Kota rank hote hobe?
Hello Dhrubajyoti, there is no any exact rank for this. But if your rank in between 1000 (it depends upon trade and cut off rank), you can expect admission on any Government Institution.
Hlw sir, Amar SC rank 1488 Ami ki 4th counseling a Peta pari ??
Sir plz reply korben……
Hello Soumi, your rank is high. We cannot predict your counseling result.
Sir mera name Surabhi Mishra hai mera rank 3857 hai Maine six gov clg choose kiya me kisi me bhi select ho paugi ya bad me koi option hai admission ka private clg after counselling
Hello Surabhi, as your rank was high, you must had to add some private hospitals name at the time of choice filling .
Hello sir ami tithi Debnath. Sir amar general rank eseche 9623 r OBC-B Te rank eseche 1418 .. Amar 3rd round a hoy ni 4th round a ki kono chance ache?? Se govt na hok affiliated college gulotei hobe ki? Aktu kindly reply deben Sir. R tar por j mopup round hoy sekhane ki hobe???
Hello Tithi, your rank is quite high. The chances are very low to et any college on the next counseling. For Mop up counseling, you have to register once agin, for more details contact SMFWBEE Help desk.
Ok sir thank you for this information.
Sir please reply diben,sir amar rank 615 SC, sir ami ki kono government college pate pari sir reply diben please
Hello Kalyan, your rank is his and the possibility is low.
Sir,Amar sc rank-855.ami ki Kono govt ba private collage e chance Pete pari, 4th counciling e.
Hello Anupam, according to your Rank, you may not get chance to ang Government College.
Sir amar SC rank 615 (4939). Sir amar 4th round e ki chance pate pari. Please sir reply diben
sir amar combined rank 5327. Ami kolkatar pry sob college e almost sob course choose kore chilam. 3rd counselling er pic holo na.. r ki kono hope ache ? Plzz ektu bolben plz
Hello Puja, wait for the 4th round counseling.
Sir, document verification e character certificate chaya6e.. school theka school leaving certificate diya6e, eta te ki hobe?
Hello Sandip, the Leaving certificate is also used as Character Certificate.
Sir amar combine rank 7757 and obc B rank 1184 ami ki R cono private ba government college a chans pabo
Hello sir,
Ami 2015 te HS diye6ilam r tokhon college e vortir somoy college theke stamp diyechilo markshit e.Cancel ki korte hobe verification er jonno?? Please reply soon
Hello Sumaiya, don’t worry, you will not face any problem for the stamp on the Marksheet.
Sir, amr Siliguri te chance hoachilo. But, I am from Kolkata. Amr rs.15000 payment hoa gache. But, akn amr illness ar karon a amr jete problem hocche. Ami ki taka ta back pete pari????
Hello Sarajit, if you request to SMFWBEE by writing an application letter then, they can refund your money by deducting some changes. For more details info, contact to the SMFWBEE Help desk phone numbers 9674524077 / 9674785953.
Sir saraji jokhon. Admission neba na payment back chaicha to or site ta ka Aime neta pare taka payment kore. Please reply sir,,,,
Hello Saiyab, I don’t think this is possible. If anyone cancelled his admission, then the seat will be vacant for the next round counseling.
Hlw sir amr category rank 1179 (OBC A)
So Aime ki 3rd ya 4rd counseling a chance pabo,…
Please sir ektu reply korben
Hello Saiyab, yes you may get chance.
Sir, amar rank 6149 (general)…
2nd counsiling a amar naam aseni…
Sir 3rd or 4th counsiling a ki amar naam asbe??
Pleaese ektu bolben sir…
Hello Kismat, your rank is quite high, so we cannot predict your counseling.
Sir bolchhi 2nd counciling a Amar kono nam aseni …… 3 or 4th counciling a ki asbe? Amar rank 2555(general).sir Please reply me…..
Hello Sunipa, probably you may got college on the next counseling. How many colleges you listed at the time of choice filling?
I think pabe
Because general a site aicha akhon o
Sir, ami document verification ar din amr college or course change kota pari
Hello Deepanjan, you cannot change your course at the time of Documents Verification.
Sir, amr 2nd councilling a Siliguri greater lion eye hospital a opthalmic a chance hoache. But, interested noi. Jodi ami taka payment na kori, Ami ki 3rd / 4th councilling a amr anno kono college asbe ki? Naki ami councilling theke out hoa jabo???
Sir, please, reply fast…
Hello Sarajit, if you did not pay the amount and confirm this admission, then you will eligible for 3rd Round Counseling.
Sir, amar second allotment a charnok hospital payachi sir,charnok hospital a one year a koto minimum khoroch hoba aktu bolnen please?
Hello Deepanjan, we don’t have any info about this, please contact to the SMFWBEE authority or Charnock Hospital authority.
sir.. ekhane keu ki College of medicine and JNM hospital, Kalyani,Nadia te chance peye6e??? ami amr kono frnd pa66ina
Sir Aime 2nd round counseling a o chance payni by okhane ata lekha aicha ,,,,
For the convenience of candidates a new Document verification centre has been opened at Bankura.candidates willing to option for same may select and update it and Reprint their Allotment letter with new DV centre Details.
So ektu bujye din
Hello Saiyab, students who got college in the second counseling, have to visit Bankura for Document Verification.
Sir my name is Tarik Anuar..My combind rank is 6800, can I get a chance in any privet clg..I choose many privet and govt clgs about 219 …Sir plz reply
your rank too high
sir my document verification venue has been changed to Bankura but I am from Kolkata Can I change it to Kolkata. This has happened after 2nd round counselling can we change it back to kolkata?
Hello Aritra, which Institute you got after 2nd Round Counseling? If it stituted in Bankura district, then you have to go Bankura VC for Document verification.
Although, you may contact to the SMFWBEE Help desk phone numbers 9674785953 for more help.
Can u tell me ,what is your combined rank?
there are a option to change your dv center. pleace cheak it
Sir,my combined rank is 4557, and my sc rank is 566, is there any chance of getting college in 3 rd round of counceling?
3rd or 4th round e hote pare
Sir , amar combined rank 3897 category rank 629 Ami 1st round counseling a have not allotted so Ami ki 2nd round counseling a kono govt. College a chance Pete pari….??????plz sir reply Dan aktu .
Sir amar smfwbee rank 5929.ami 2nd or 3rd councilling kono private college chance pata pari. please aktu bolben.
My sc rank is can I able to get a college in 2 nd coinciding in kolkata?
Hello Kaberi, yes you may got chance on the 2nd Counseling.
Sir, first counseling koto rank porjonto hoyche ektu bolben please.
Sir, amr combined rank 4003 ami ki private e kono college pabo?
Sir please bolben.
in 3rd or 4th counciling you have to get chace to get
Ami 1st round counselling a registration korechi amake ki Abar registration korte hobe??
Hello Sougata, no need to register once again for the further round counselings, if you already registered.
Sir, ami sk kismat..amar rank 6149..
Ami ki 2nd or 3rd counsiling a chance pete pari..
Please reply me sir,
Sir, amr combined rank 4003 ar sc te rank 503 ami ki 2nd counselling e seat pabo?
Please sir ektu bolben
Hello Rupak, your SMFWBEE 2018 Rank is high, so we cannot predict the chances. Wait for the counseling result.
1st round counilling hoyegeche kintu seat matrix kemon kore janbo
cheak smfwb
Sir ,amr rank combined 3727 amar second counselling a asbai to sir, na ki third counselling a hoba?
I Sree Souvik Dey registration number 114875 ,rank is 4789 applied for DMLT,I didn’t get any allotment in 1st round counseling,so have any chance in next counseling.When 2nd & 3rd counseling will start ?
Sir, amr rank 4453. Ami ki 2nd or 3rd councilling a kono college a chance pabo/ pawar kono chance ache?
Hello Sarajit, you may get college at the 3rd round.
Hlw sir
Amr combined Rank -9477,r category rank 1179
Aime ki je kono privet ya government college a chance pabo
Please sir ektu reply deban
Hello Saiyab, Chances are very low.
sir amar nam Rohit sen, amar smf a 421 rank hoye6e, amr 1st round a sagor dutta hospital ase6e, sir amr akta clg a admisson 6ilo, sir amk ki clg theke T.C ante hobe? plz aktu bolben plz
Hello Rohit,on which college you took admissions and on which course on previously?
Sir, ami North Bengal Medical college a chance peye6i. Kin2 bujhte par6i hostel pabo ki na . Sir , apni jodi aktu janiye diten tahole khub valo hoto . Kothay jogajog korbo ki6ui jni na .
Hello Moumita, you have to contact at North Bengal Medical College for Hostel facilities. You cannot do anything from here.
Sir auto- upgrade krle jdi new choice na Pai tahle ager choice ta thakbe to?
ager ta takbe
Sir, Amar combined rang 5656.ami ki second round kono private or gov. college pata pari please reply me.
Sir,ami jodi 1st round counselling a chance na pai tahole ki ami abar 2nd,3rd,4th counselling a boste parbo?tar jonno ki abar choice filling korte hobe notun kore?
Hello Ausmita, yes you are eligible for 2nd Round Counseling.
Sir ,amar rank 3840{combined}.ami choose karechilam~appolo hospital,tata hospital,fortis hospital ,cnci hospital.ami 1st round councilling e allow hoini.amar ki second round e eai institute gulo te paor probability ache.?sir,er aga comment karechi,ans paini.eai ans ta pls deben.
Hello Ambika, how many colleges you choosed at the time of choice filling?
Your rank is quite high, you may have to wait for the second or third round counseling.
ami Debasish Das amr rank 1592 .
ami 1st counseling e kono gov seat payni tobe ki amr ei rank e gov college hobe na????
Hello Debasis, you may wait for the second round counseling, for Government college.
Sir amar rank 7156 Ami ki 2nd round councelling kono college e chance pabo
very low chace
Sir, amar sc rank 356 ami ki govt college a chance pata pari.plz ans
Sir second round counselling a 3727 rank hoba sir aktu Jodi bolan? Please
Hello Deepanjan, on 2nd counselling you may got any Private Institution with this rank.
Sir amr 8472 rank ache amr ki government r kono chance ache…plz reply seven sir
Hello Rahul, very less chance for Government colleges with this rank.
sir amr rank 1592 . ami ki pete pari???????
Hello Debasish, what is the result of the first counselling?
Sir, my combined rank is 435 and my category rank is 97. May i got govt college in first round of counselling?
Sir ami amar councelling er result pachhina
Hello Pulak, just login to the SMFWBEE website with your Application Number and Password. You will see the college name on your counselling dashboard, if you got one.
Sir… selection ba counciling jeta hobe Kobe ota ki 30 July Hobe ? Mane Ami amr Naam Jodi 1st counciling e select hoi kono college e ….seta Ami dekhte pabo kon link e ???
Hello Ankita, you have to login to the SMFWBEE website with your Application Number and Password. Then you can check your Counseling result.
Sir Ami choice felling Kore ,lock korini counseling ar somoy,to ota amni amni lock hoe jabe?
Hello Priti, yes your choices will be automatically locked after the last date of choice filling. So don’t worry wait for the counseling result. Best of luck.
Sir ami sanjib karan amar General rank 1634 ami ki government clg pata pari????
Sir, amar rank combined e 503. Ami ki govt college e DMLT te chance pete pari?plz ektu janaben..
Hello Sanchari, yes you may got Government college for DMLT Course.
I have already completed the online choice filling step.dvcentre mentioned here.but the date of counselling and time does not mention. please inform me about the best.
Hello Diptapratim, the first round counseling result will be published on 30th July.
I ‘m papiya Mardan my category rank 185 &my combined rank 1167 can I get a govt college please ans me sir
Counselling process te ami ki sudhumatro 1 ti college te ki sudhu matro 1 ti course er jonno Apply korte parbo?
Hello Provat, no you can select as much as courses and Colleges at the time of choice filling. There is no any restrictions.
Sir,smfwbeehelp desk er number switch off ascche.plz,apni help korun oi number paoar jonno.plz help…nahale amr friend er admission atke jbe..karon or admit card er kono asal ba Xerox copy nei..
Hello Mallika, contact through this page, SMFWBEE Help Desk and write your problem.
Sir amr gmr rank 1758 amr ki kono govt. College e optemetry hote pare??
Sir my combined rank 666 and obc b rank 113..can i get a government college..??
Hello Nikita, yes you may got Government college.
Sir,online admission option ta khulcha na sir,(sorry inconveniences dakjaccha?)
Hello Deepanjan, probably there might be any server problem. You can contact to the SMFWBEE Help desk phone numbers 9674785953 for this issue.
Sir 1st round counceling er jnno ajk amar registration option ta asche na keno?? Ar er jnno ki korbo?? Sir please help
Hello Barnali, what type of problem you faced? Click on the ‘Applicant Login’ option and then login with your Application Number and Password. You can find the Counseling Registration option then.
Hello Sir,
I am Anup Kumar dash(General ) and did combined merit rank 1423 for exam SMFWBEE. Can I get chance in any government college to study in DMLT. also could you please suggest any other good subject to study.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Best Regards
Hello Anup, you may got chance for Government college for admission.
Sir, I have secured combined rank 1533 and my SC rank is 171.
Sir, will you please tell me whether I’m going to get DMLT in government college?
And please let me know about other choices next to DMLT .
Hello sir,
I’m sujana. Sir, my rank is 1846. Can I get admission in any govt. Or private institution.
Sir ,amr an friend 266 rank koreche general category te kintu exam er somoy Se tar admit card er asal copy joma diye es6e .Tar ka6e extra kono Xerox copy o nei.Se ki tahale counseling e boste parbena???
Hello, I will advice contact to the SMFWBEE Help desk phone numbers 9674785953 immediately and asked them to recover the admit card. Otherwise your friend may be faced problem at the time of admission.
Sir,govt college gulo te paramedical course er jonno seat kota ache?? Ami 425 rank korechi.Ami govt college e ki chance pabo?? Plz reply…
Hello Mallika, your rank is good and you may got Government college for admission.
Sir amr combiend rank 420 obc-A 134 ami ki DMLT pabo …plz answer me
Sir,amr combined rank 1300 and obc- B rank 210 sir,ami ki kono sorkari institute a DMLT,DRD cours pata pari? Please answer me sir.
Sir amr 2018 te smfwbee combined rank 225 r obc-A rank 64 Ami ki government CLG te DMLT course pabo?
Hello Sayeed, yes you have a good Rank. You will definitely get a good Government college with DMLT course for admission.
Sir amr general a rank 3228 r obc-a te rank aseche 336..qmi ki kono govt.a chance pate pari???
Amar smfwb-2018 te general rank 1549 & category te 246
Tahole ami ki govt. Collage e admission Pabo???
Plz sir answer diben
Sir, my rank 7000
SC rank 1077
Ame kon college a chance pabo?????
My combined rank is 122 & Category rank is 20.which is the best stream for me? Please informs me the salary of the stream. Please rply me….
Sir Amar combine rank-799, SC vabe counselling korale better govt college pabo? R kon kon course gulo te career Valo hbe ? Aktu suggest krun please
Sir I got 2410 rank in general quota, which course I shall get ???? Which college ???? Plz help sir
Sir amar combind rank 7757 and obc B rank 1184 ami ki cono private college a chans pata pari??
Sir, i am a general category student. My combined rank 194. Which is best stream for me?
And i got admition in vidyasagar university. So registration cancel is required in my university for admition in paramedical course?
Hello Arnab, Congratulation for your Rank. All the courses of D.Pharm are good and have a better jobs opportunity in future.
Although, you may chose, Diploma in Radiography, Diploma in Radiotherapeutic Technology, Diploma in Dialysis Technique, Diploma In Operation Theatre Technology one of this course. We think these courses have a better dimand than the others.
No need cancle the Registration at VU, it will be automatically cancle, if you not fill the first year exam form.
Sir ami SC te 766 rank kore6i ar overall 5958 rank kore6i , amar ki kono chance a6e govt colleges er jonno??????
Sir,govt colg er sanga private colg er different ta ki ache? Private colg theka para medical er course complete karar par ki govt er job pao jabe?pls bolun.
Sir, amar rank 4889 general category
So councilling e ki kono private college e chance hote pare?
Please sir answer me…
Jodi kono obc(b) candidate general seat te rank kore tahole sei candidate ki general seat pabe?
Hello Provat, SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates have two ranks, one is the Combined Rank and the other is Category Rank.
Sir amr OBC_B a rank 781 r combined rank 4827.ami ki kno government or non goverment college a chance pete pari
Sir plz reply
Sir,amar combined rank 3727 hoyacha ami ki private college thaka dmlt porar sujag pabo ?
Sir amar General a ta 943 rank hoya6a ami ki Govt. College a chance pabo ????
Hello Sarfaras, yes you may got chance on any Government college. As you have a good Rank.
amr combined rank 1214 Ami ki govt or private Kno institute e chance pbo?
sir, my rank is 6481
can i applied for 1st round counseling??
Hello Sayani, candidates having a valid Rank can apply for Counseling. So you can apply.
Sir my combined RANK is very high.(9759)can I get chance for MLT in any Pvt clg? Please sir answer me.
Sir aamar smfwb 2018 rank 7156, Ami ki private college chance pabo
Hello Pulak, the chance of getting any College is very low according to your Rank.
Sir, amar rank 4889 general category.
So councilling e ami ki kono private college Chance pete pari . Please sir answer me….
Sir,amr rank 1671 hoye6e ami ki gov.coll chance pabo?
Sir my combined general rank is 1065 in smfbee 2018. Can i get a chance in DMLT in any Institute ???
Sir , Ame ke tahola counselling a chance pabo Na????
Hello Manisa, if your name in the Merit list, then you can seat for Counseling.
Sir amar rank 7000 and SC rank 1077 so plz tell me Ame ke sarkary college a chance pabo ????
Hello Manisa, your rank is high. The probality to get Government college is very low with your rank.
sir Amar combined rank 7115 ,Ami ki private college a seat pabo.
Sir amr 6326 rank hoyeche…!
Ami bujhte par6i naa kon kon clg gulo rakhle Ami Tate chance Pete pari…!
Sir please Amk e ektu help korben??
Hello Bikram, download the seat Matrix and you can understand, which colleges or courses are suitable for you.
Sir 6326 rank e Ami kothao chance pabo to???
Pls reply!!
Hello Bikram, your rank is high. We cannot predict your college. Seat for Counseling and let’s see what happens.
Sir, আমি SAHIN, combine rank 1921
Cat Rank obc-A 1032 তো আমি কি কোনো government college pabo?
Please reply me sir?
Sir amr SC category te 1202 rank hoyeche
Ami kon college a chance pete pari?
Sir i have rank 657 In sc cota so can i get any private or gov college..if there are any chances to admission any private or gov colleges..plz tell me sir
Hello Sayan, your rank is quite good. You may got chance on Government Institute for admission.
Sir Ami 425 rank korechi.Ami ki mono govt college e chance pabo.plz reply???
Hello Mallika, probably you will get chance on Government Institute for Paramedical course admission.
Hello sir. Amr 3515 te rank hoyeche . Ami ki private collage a vorti hote parbo ?
Hello Sanjukta, yes you may got chance on Private Institutes.
Sir, Amar sc category te 890 a and combined category te 6808 a name aseche.. Amar ki admission hobe government college a,,, government college na holeao private college holeao hobe… R sc te kota seat ache??
Sir amr obc a rank 983 can l read government or private college…. plz reply
Sir general der merit list alada kre ber krle vlo hoi……
Sir my combined rank i 1024 and sc rank is 111..will i get any govt.medical college for dmlt? Sir please reply.
Hello Debasmita, we cannot predict your counseling. But you have a good category Rank, so you may be got a Government college. Everything depends upon the choice filling at the time of Online Counseling Registration.
Sir,ami akta college a bar bar aktai course dita to parbo na tai to sir? Alada course dita parbo tai to? Please ata bolun sir.
Hello Deepanjan, yes you have to select different courses on a same colleges at the time of choice filling.
Hello sir amr rank 6668 hoye6e amk plz bolben amr ki kono govmemt clg a hobar chance a6e ????
Hello Poulomi, your rank is quite high. So there is very low probability to get chance on Government colleges.
Apply for the counseling and see the result.
Sir,can you tell me , about total candidates of smfwbee 2018?
Hello Arpan, the SMFWBEE Faculty publish Merit list for 12,420 candidates for SMFWBEE 2018 Exam.
Sir ,kalka kotar somoy result published hoba?
sir amar hs admit name a6e sk ajijur rahaman. R amar smfbwbee te sk r poriborte sekh hoe ga6e ki6u asubidha hbe sir. Aktu janan.
Hello Ajijur, this might be not a major problem. But we advice you, to contact once at SMFWBEE 2018 Help desk phone numbers 9674785953 for confirmation.
Sir koto pele General der sorkari te chance paoya jete pare??? Last Year Sorkari te General der koto Cut off marks nemechhilo please jodi bolen..
Sir, smfwb exam e kato number pela ,govt collage e chanse pao jbe?
Hello Soumya, it depends upon the cut off percentage. So we cannot exactly say the percentage. But if you got 80%+ marks then you may got chance for Government colleges.
Sir amdr 23 tarik e j counseling ta hbe oi counseling e ki hospital and kn stream nebo seta choose krte hbe ?
Hello Rathin, yes you have to fill your choices at that time of Registration. You can select your expected College and Course for Paramedical course admission.
Ok..sir thnk u..
And sir amr choose kora hospital nd course oitai final hye jbe toh ! Mane pore r kono prb hbe na toh ?
Hello Rathin, you have to enter more than 10 college name and course. At the time of counselling you will get college according to your rank and your choice.
sir ami jadi first round counselling a na Pai ,abar second round a new choice korta hoba .naki first choice gulo shift hoya Jaba second round counselling a
Hello Deepanjan, first round choices will be shifted to the second round. You cannot fill the choices once again.
Sir is ther any extra charges for admission in govt.affilated colleges than the govt.colleges??the admission fee mentioned 15000 per it applicable for all the colleges??or more money we have to pay for govt.affilated colleges??Sir please answer.
Hello Debasmita, for take admission the fee is same for both Government and Private Colleges. But at the time of Semester/Exam fees you have to pay a higher amount than that of Government colleges.
Sir..age bola hoyechilo counselling er jnno rs100 lagbe…akhn 600 lagbe ki?plz rply
Hello Susmita, Rs. 100 for counseling fees and Rs. 500 for Online Registration fees.
Sir,if I dont get my desirable seat in my desirable institute at 1st round of councelling do i have to pay 600 rs again for registration of the next councelling?And if i register myself for 2nd or 3rd councelling ,will I be allotted according to my previously chosen institute which are before the ranking of the institute I alloted in 1st councelling?please answer sir.
Hello Debasmita, if you register for First Round Counseling and paid the Rs. 600, then no need to pay this fees again for 2nd or 3rd Round Counseling.
You can only once fill your choices. After first round counseling, you cannot edit for remaining counselings.